Riding the train

Here are a few pictures and some notes from the train ride so far (I’m in the Sacramento, CA depot writing this.):

I was unsure. This morning, last night, I was scared. I was nervous. I realize now that I did end up being unprepared. It wasn’t that I didn’t do enough research or get the right gear. It was that I wasn’t ready to leave everybody in Lincoln. I wasn’t ready to leave my friends. I wasn’t ready for a 52 hour train ride. I don’t have enough to do for the two plus days I’ll be riding. Most of all I didn’t spend enough time with the people who I care about when I still had time. I think that might be one of the hardest, but best lessons I’ve learned so far and all I’ve done is just sit on a train for a few hours.
I woud spend more time with some people if I were given the option. I know several that I wish I could take with me. But I wouldn’t change the fact that I left. I’m sitting here looking out the window watching this amazing scenery and wishing I were already on my bike looking for a place to sleep for the night. I’ll see a little dirt road and wonder if I could ride down that. we’re back here in some very rural country in Colorado and its awesome. This is what I wanted to do. I wanted to see the world. I wanted to do and be and experience everything. I’ve finally started that. I’m afraid the next few months are going to go by too quickly and I’ll be addicted to this lifestyle. I already can’t get enough of this.

Waking up in Utah

June 4, 2009


June 5, 2009