Port2Port Day 7

Mitchell, OR to John Day, OR

I started out today at 7am and ended up meeting Keith several times during the day even though he left around 6am. This was mostly due to his slower climbs and the giant hill we had within the first 10 miles. It was a pain. Six miles at 7%. I was glad to get that out of the way.
Keith and I ate lunch in Dayville and then I proceeded to Mt Vernon and then to John Day. I don’t know how far Keith got, he had talked about staying in Mt Vernon, or going past John Day to get a head start on tomorrow, but I didn’t see him after Dayville so I wish him the best of luck. 
There was a pretty good camp site just outside of Mt Vernon, but I really wanted to do laundry, dry out all of my gear and sleep for a full 8 hours. So I got a hotel, with WiFi and did laundry, bought groceries, and met Carloine and Wills, brother and sister cyclists about my age who are doing the same thing I am. They’re riding Portland, OR to Portland, ME though they’re taking a different route than I am. We had a good time complaining about the road and the hills and being amazed at how hungry we were all the time. It was really good for me to continue meeting people who are doing the same kind of thing, it has been very encouraging.
Carloine and Wills are headed roughly the same direction that I am and I think I’ll take an easy day tomorrow and ride with them.