Portland to Portland


May 4, 2009

In the fall of 2008 an idea formed in my head. I was tired of staying in one place, tired of the same job. I needed a change. I needed to get out. I needed a vacation to clear my mind. I had been riding a lot in the spring and summer, and I decided that the perfect way to take my vacation would be by bicycle.
I shared this idea with my friends and a handful were just as excited as I was. Maybe it was the excitement with which I told them about my plan. Maybe it was something else, but a small group tentatively signed on to ride coast to coast. We laid the initial plans, where to start and some basic gear choices and then winter came on in full force. Most of the fervor was lost, and our group of five or so adventurers was reduced to one; me. I had committed myself to this course and would go on this trip whether anyone else did or not. So I gradually bought my supplies and slowly trained for the trip.

My goal and hope is to learn as much as I can on this trip. I want to learn about the country I live in, the people who live in it, and I want to learn more about myself. I’ll be looking for direction in my life not only for the route I need to take, but for my life in general. Who knows, maybe I’ll find something, or maybe at the end of it all I’ll just end up with a story to tell.

May 13, 2009

Its three weeks away from my departure date and I’m getting the jitters. I need to do so much still, sell a bunch of stuff, pack up my stuff, etc. I’m still working 45 to 50 hours a week so my time at home to do those things is limited. So while things are on the burner at work I thought I’d outline my tentative route.

In the west I’ve planned out more stops and things I want to see. I’ll be riding out to the coast the first or second day I’m in Portland. It would just seem like a cop-out if I didn’t go the extra few miles to the ocean. I’ll make a loop back to Portland and start the trip in earnest. I’ve considered two possible routes across the Rockies but I’m leaning toward lower Idaho because it seems to be lower in elevation and there are a few more towns than the northern pass. Of course I have to hit up Yellowstone but the Montana Wyoming route is up in the air right now. I may dip down into the middle of Wyoming to visit my sister and some friends at a camp out there. Southern South Dakota may turn into northern Nebraska as I may be riding with some guys from Lincoln for a few days in that area.
Once I get past Nebraska I only have one stop that I know for sure and that one isn’t until Vermont. So that part of the map is a little vague right now.

That’s the route for now. I’m sure things will change on the way.

May 25, 2009

Equipment List

Here we go the oh so popular equipment list. In all honesty other cyclists’ equipment lists have been such a great asset I though it only right to give back to those who have given so much to me. Maybe you’ll even use this list for gear inspiration for your own tour. Who knows.

Surly Long Haul Trucker (Tan/Cream color)
Brooks B-17 Champion Special (Honey Brown)
Surly Nice Racks Front and Rear (Silver)
Ortlieb Back-Roller Classic Front and Rear panniers (black)
Ortlieb Ultimate 5 handlebar bag with map holder (black)
SKS Fenders (silver)
Trek Helmet
SPD Pedals Clipless (PD-M324)

REI Camp Dome 2
REI 30+ Mummy sack
Home-made TMNT sleeping bag liner
Hennessy Hammock Expedition A-sym (totally amazing, sleeps so well) (standard rain fly and snake skins)
empty pillow case (fill with clothes)
REI Hobbitat 4 footprint for throwing over the bike or under the tent.

MSR Pocketrocket cook stove
MSR Soloist cook system (small pot only)
Titanium mug
Fork, Sharp Knife, Spoon, Can Opener, Small spatula
750ml water bottles full of dry goods (rice, oatmeal)
Spice kit (I can cook :D)

First aid kit (thanks mom!)
Sun screen
Bug spray
toiletries (deodorant, toothbrush/toothpaste, vitamins, tp,)

2 pair bike shorts
3 cycling jerseys
4 pair light-weight socks
2 pair heavy wool socks
Rain jacket/ heavy jacket
Long sleeve jersey
Heavy gloves
cycling gloves
Stocking cap
Long snap-away pants
Swimming Trunks
3 pair underwear
2 pair jeans (roll ’em up and you’ve got shorts)
3 T-shirts
1 Long-sleeve thermal
1 Pair off bike shoes
1 Pair bike shoes
3 Hankies (incredibly useful)
1 Belt

Acer Aspire One netbook
Palm Centro Phone
Pentax K110 DSLR (good photos)
Kodak digital (video quick snaps)
rechargeable batteries/battery charger
Charging cables

Tool kit (standard bike tools)
Laundry kit (soap/clothes pins/ rope)

It feels like I’m leaving out some stuff, and most likely this list will change over the course of the trip. The majority of my food will be purchased along the road, with my dry containers filled in preparation. I’m looking at maybe adding an additional bag to carry my cameras and other day items when I’m not riding. I haven’t found the best solution for that yet.

June 2, 2009

I’m leaving tonight on the Amtrak and will be arriving in Portland, OR sometime on Friday.
I have to say that the last week has been absolutely surreal. My life has unfolded like some feel-good movie. The kind you don’t think actually happen. Maybe someday I’ll write a screen play and then everyone can see what happened. But until then you’ll just have to fill in the blanks.
I will say that all of my friends here in Nebraska are amazing, and I’m so glad to have them. I’ll miss you guys out there in the wild.